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Faith & Economy

As far as the Bible is concerned, there is no such thing as a 'spirituality' that is disconnected from our material lives. Loving God, loving our neighbour and caring for the earth go together.

Economics in the Bible

The Bible not only has a great deal to say about our material lives, but what it says on this is is integral to the whole message – to subtract the message concerning our material lives is not to have understood the biblical message.

Everyday People

New forms of economic practice are not pie-in-the-sky, they are already amongst us, being practised by ordinary people who aren't content to settle for the status quo.

Home Economics

The word 'economics' simply means 'the affairs of the house'. Our homes are the core site of our participation in a global economy and the core site in which we use and consume the resources of the earth. A new economy begins at home.

Household Covenant

The Household Covenant is an 'experiment in faith'. It is based upon the premise that one of the most urgent challenges for Western Christians today is to reject the destructiveness and soullessness of our consumer culture.

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