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Faith & Economy

Coming Home

Discipleship, Ecology and Everyday Economics

By Jonathon Cornford

Coming Home provides something that is virtually non-existent in Christian literature: an articulation of biblical faith in the nitty gritty of everyday material life that simultaneously responds to the great challenges of ecological crisis, economic injustice, social malaise and family breakdown. It takes seriously the ways in which the shape of our household economy – our work, leisure, consumption, investment and use of time – impact our relations with others, with the earth, and with God. Coming Home joins biblical theology with analysis of contemporary problems to help chart a practical, hopeful and life-giving path through troubled times.

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Endorsements for Coming Home

If you are at all serious about the Christian faith and what it means to follow Jesus today, then frankly, this is a dangerous book. It’s dangerous because it calls us to an expression of faith that really counts in the most daily actions of life. There are no remote theories or platitudes here. In a highly practical way, Jonathan details a hand-on faith that has implications for everything: from whom we invite home to dinner to the hours we work each week; from how we commute to how we use our leisure time, from the way we shop to how we save and invest our money; and so much more. No doubt, this book is a good and accessible read. But be warned, reading it is risky business. It could change your life.

Rev. Simon Carey Holt, Author of Eating Heaven and Heaven All Around Us

In this engagingly written book, Jonathan Cornford demonstrates how the radical message of the gospel speaks to the nitty gritty of our daily life. Exploring all aspects of our household economy, Cornford offers up a biblical vision for whom we welcome, the food we eat, the clothes we buy, the way we fill our time, the ways we love our place, and the open-handed generosity that shapes our homes and finances. Weaving together astute cultural observations, wise biblical insights, and practical actions, Cornford paints a way of life where community can flourish in deeply faithful ways. This book calls out not only to be read, but to be studied with your church and community as a guide for deeper discipleship in an often overwhelming world.

Dr.Sylvia C. Keesmaat, co-author of Colossians Remixed and Romans Disarmed

So many of us live in a tension. Caught between the inevitability of being part of a cultural system and the desire for this cultural system to not dictate our way of being in the world. We want to do something to bring about change but often our intention doesn’t play out into our actions and our lifestyles and so in reality we lose ourselves in the overwhelming force of western society. What I love about this book is that Jonathan so clearly points the way forward. He refuses to let go of that tension and succumb to the un-intentional life. He refuses to name theory and theology without nailing it down into the everyday practicalities of eating, of gardening, of what we do with our waste, of how live on the ground. For anyone who feels this tension between desire and lifestyle. This book is for you.

Joel McKerrow, poet, author of Hollowed Out Lungs


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Coming Back to Earth

Essays on the Church, Climate Change, Cities, Agriculture and Eating

By Jonathan Cornford

Coming Back to Earth is a collection of essays that examine some of the foundational challenges that must be confronted this century – climate change, urban life, agriculture and food – with the conviction that the great biblical narrative has something essential to say about each of them.

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Endorsements for Coming Back to Earth

Prophetic, personal, passionate and practiced are words that spring from these pages. Prophetic because these words are rooted in the biblical narrative and tradition that calls God’s people to live an embodied faith. Personal through anecdote and family. Passionate for God’s way of pursuing ethical living amidst the challenges of our age. Practiced because discipleship is to be lived in the everyday economics of our lives, enfleshed in practical and visible ways. Perceptive, is another descriptor, for this book offers significant insights into God’s call for the Church as a social ethic, a community of reconciliation, in a world and Church at the crossroads. I commend this book’s challenge to our discipleship.

Archbishop Philip Freier, Anglican Primate of Australia


Jonathan Cornford is one of Australia’s most radical Christian thinkers. This short book is a pithy and profound summary of much of his recent writing. Its challenges to our western, over-stuffed, ecologically destructive lifestyles come thick and fast. But they are delivered with a lightness of touch, grace, humour, and deep pathos. Jonathan is a weeping prophet. He and his family live with these challenges daily, but not self-righteously. This book is down to earth, honest, even blunt, but delivered with healthy doses of biblical hope. It deserves, and our perilous plight demands, a large readership.

Revd Dr Gordon Preece, Director, Ethos - EA Centre for Christianity & Society

Amidst the babble of stories that disconnect us from the earth and each other, Cornford’s brilliant and passionate telling of the biblical story not only dares to name the sources of our own grief and pain, but insightfully pulls us in to the deeper, richer story of our own calling as the suffering followers of Jesus. The vision of this book is no pie-in-the-sky dream, rather it is a way of walking for those of us who want to root our households in down-to-earth, faithful, joyful, kingdom living, no matter what the consequences. If you are hungry for a fully embodied picture of how the Bible calls us to live in faithfulness with the earth and each other, then this book is for you.

Sylvia Keesmat, biblical scholar, author of Colossians Remixed


Cornford has done a great job recontextualizing the Sabbath Economics vision into the Australian context, and maintains a keen commitment to justice, sustainability and the church. This collection of essays offers theological, pastoral and practical resources to the demands of discipleship in a world groaning under ecological and social crisis.

Ched Myers, theologian, author of Binding the Strongman

How have we as Christians become so disconnected from the essence of the Gospel and its application to the challenges facing society today? Cornford helps unpack how we as a society and as a church ended up where we are today – at a crossroads where the ‘crisis of church and the crisis of the world meet’ –  and offers an important theological voice with a prophetic edge for a church that seems more committed to pursuing ‘the good life’ than living the ‘good news’.

Cornford tackles some of the biggest challenges facing our communities (climate, urbanisation, food systems) by taking us back to the essence of the message of the Gospel.  If we believe that the good news of Jesus is about life-changing transformation and reconciliation, then our discipleship must be relevant in ways that engage with these challenges. This work provides a great balance of both deep theological reflection combined with ideas for practical application thus enabling the reader to consider what it means to be modern day ‘salt and light’. The result is both prophetic and hope-filled.

A must read for every Christian who is serious about the practical application of their faith in a world facing huge systemic challenges.

Matthew Maury, National Director, TEAR Australia


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Living by the Household Covenant

Bible Study Resource

By Jonathan Cornford

The Household Covenant is a simple annual process for taking steps towards a more responsible way of living. This resource will tell you all you need to know about how to follow the Household Covenant, and supplies 7 weeks of Bible study material. 

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Longing for a Better Country

Christianity and the Vocation of Social Change

By Jonathan Cornford

"... the three most political acts we can undertake today are to seek holiness, to build the church and to evangelise. I say this knowing full well that these are widely considered as impediments to Christian political consciousness. Of course, they frequently have been; but that is only when they have not been fully understood."

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Poverty & Overseas aid

Banking on Aid

An examination into the delivery of Australian aid through the World Bank and Asian Development Bank

By Jonathan Cornford

Published by Manna Gum/Oxfam Australia

Banking on Aid presents data which more fully describes the role of the banks within Australia’s aid program and surveys the arguments being made for and against the them – it argues that the role of the banks in Australian aid should the subject of more critical debate.

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Preserving Plenty

The beauty, achievements and struggle of the people of Sambor

By Jonathan Cornford and Chhuon La

This publication explores the changes and challenges of Sambor District in northeastern Cambodia, through the stories and life experience of the people who live there. Plans to dam the Mekong River for hydropower, and the rapid conversion of land to large-scale agribusiness plantations have meant that for many in Sambor, a spectre now looms on the horizon of an otherwise hopeful future. As the book shows, for some, the good life has already evaporated into desperate hardship.

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Hidden Costs

The underside of economic transformation in the Greater Mekong Subregion

By Jonathan Cornford & Nathanial Matthews

This report challenges the "success story” narrative of development in the Mekong region by considering rural people's actual experiences of economic change in the "transition" economies of Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam. It argues that the livelihoods, culture and environment of too many - especially ethnic minorities - have been seriously compromised by economic change in the Mekong.

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Globalisation & Change in Southern Laos

By Jonathan Cornford

Published by Focus on the Global South

This book has for its topic the enormous issue of how globalisation, a slippery concept at the best of times, affects the complex processes of change - social change, economic change and ecological change - in the southern regions of Laos.

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