Themes / News from Long Gully

News from Long Gully

December 2019

Manna Matters December 2019

As well as lots of Bible study, discussion, prayer and song, an important part of the A Different Way week is doing some physical work, here building a new garden bed.

With the fires and drought in NSW and Queensland, the urgency of our climate and ecological situation presses upon any with eyes to see. It is appropriate that, in this edition of Manna Matters, we give some extended attention to the role colonisation and agriculture have played in the ecological transformation of this continent, but also to the very hopeful role that agriculture might play in responding to the challenges of our times.

Here in Long Gully, I am rushing to finish off a bushfire sprinkler system for our property. We have already been caught flat-footed by one Code Red day before summer even started – that is the sort of thing we can no longer afford to do. The bushland adjacent to our house burnt in the Black Saturday fires of 2009, so, while cherishing its beauty, we are very conscious of the clear and present danger it represents.

In November, we had our A Different Way week, Manna Gum's learning intensive, and were joined by people from three states. As usual, it was a fun, stimulating and tiring week. Many thanks to the Seeds Community, who host the week and make it all possible.

Speaking of the Seeds Community, we are currently looking for an 'angel investor' who can support our local mission work with an investment-for-purpose property, i.e. a house! See here for details. Also, the Year of Plenty opportunity to explore faith on the land is open again for 2020 - see here for details. So much happening!

 Jonathan Cornford