Themes / News from Long Gully

News from Manna Gum

April 2009

Manna Matters April 2009

  • 2009 is our first year in full swing, with Jonathan leaving his work at Oxfam just before Christmas. The  Footscray Church of Christ has very generously given us use of a freshly painted office, along with use of their internet and phone connections. We are very grateful for this.
  • January to March has really been a starting up phase for us, trying to set up a whole bunch of things, from office equipment and finances to the newsletter & website, so it doesn't yet feel like we have had much time to do the actual work we want to do!
  • Although it is still early days, the initial response of financial support for Manna Gum has been very encouraging. We are now half way to our goal of raising $1250 per month from individual supporters and donations. If you would like to become a supporter or make a contribution, see the response form on the last page.
  • In February we talked to a couple of groups about the Household Covenant, an initiative in responsible living started by Bartimaeus Cooperative Ministries in the US. The development of the Household Covenant in Australia, and a Household Covenant network, is a work in progress and something we hope to develop this year.
  • Manna Gum has joined a range of organisations, academics and people's groups in launching the Save the Mekong Campaign, beginning over March and April. See the article on page 6 for more information on this important initiative.
  • Manna Gum & the Seeds Network have launched a small Manna from Kevin Campaign to encourage people to do something different with their $900 from the government. See page 8 for more information.
  • On March 14 we had a commissioning service for the ministry of Manna Gum. This involved a 'sending out' by representatives of the three ministries/communities that have nurtured the birth of this ministry - Urban Seed, Common Life and the Footscray Church of Christ - and also involved our treasured Management Committee (Greg & Elvira Hewson), our wise and respected Advisory Council (Peter Chapman, Deb Storie and Al Macrae) and many old and new friends.

Kim and Jonathan Cornford