Themes / News from Long Gully

News from Manna Gum

April 2013

Manna Matters April 2013

In March Kim led the Arts of Home Economy Weekend at Campbell and Tanya Holt’s farm near Nathalia. As last year, it was a fantastically productive time, involving bread making, pasta making, cheese making, bottling and preserving, composting, care for soils and fruit trees, and an impromptu tour of a biodynamic dairy farm (phew!). More important than the skills being learnt is the process of getting together to share practical things that add richness to our lives. This is something that just about any church community could do itself. Many thanks to the Holt family and Janet Ray for all their work.

In March we also led a short, albeit ambitious, series on a Christian approach to political economy, exploring a Biblical lens on such insignificant issues as the state, capitalism and social change. We answered all the big questions, but unfortunately we didn’t take notes ...

In the coming term (23 April - 11 June) Jonathan will be running an eight-week series on the Household Covenant in Greensborough at the All Saints Anglican Church.  The dates have also been set for this year’s A Different Way week.