Themes / News from Long Gully

News from Manna Gum

August 2015

Manna Matters August 2015


The big news from us is that we have moved into our new home and new base of Manna Gum's operations. The house has been designed along passive solar principles to maximise energy efficiency, keep warm in winter and cool in summer. In the midst of Bendigo's coldest winter for 30 years I am very happy to report that it is warm! After living in rental properties for 20 years (we moved in for our 20th wedding anniversary), living in a house that has no draughts and consumes very little power is a wonderful blessing. Not to mention natural light! Now begins the big job of preparing the land to capture water and grow food. (Please note the new address and phone number.)

On the Manna Gum front, things have been quieter after a busy start to the year. In June, Manna Gum's Advisory Council and Management Committee spent a day together reflecting on the last seven years and trying to discern where God is leading for the next seven. Despite being a small and marginal ministry, we re-affirmed that Manna Gum's calling is in service to the Church with an emphasis on teaching, writing and practical learning experiences. We gave thanks for the partnerships that have facilitated Manna Gum's ministry - TEAR, Whitley College and the Baptist Union, Surrender, Ethos - and expressed our wonder at the generous support given by so many individuals which has made, and continues to make, Manna Gum's ministry possible.


[Manna Gum's new home: passive solar design is a simple concept that combines using a northward orientation, internal thermal mass, eaves, double glazing and heavy insulation to provide warmth in winter and coolness in summer; (above) view from the street - the house opens to the north to capture the winter sun; (below) living space - heats by sunlight when the sun is out and wood heater when it is not.]