Themes / News from Long Gully

News from Manna Gum

September 2014

Manna Matters September 2014

It is with some sadness and much pride that we recently said goodbye to Deb Storie, who finished up on the Manna Gum Advisory Council to take up significant responsibilities in international development work. Deb has been a founding member of the Advisory Council and a much valued part of the ‘team behind the scene’ of Manna Gum’s ministry. She is both an accomplished Biblical scholar and passionate international development worker, continually applying the insights of both of these worlds to the other. We will be praying for Deb in what will be important and difficult work. Please contact us if you would like to find out how you can support her.

In May, Manna Gum was involved with the Future Dreaming conference profiling the work of AHED (Arnhem Human Enterprise Development) in supporting indigenous economic enterprise. The day was a great success. If you missed it, the conference audio is now all up on the web - you can find it all here. AHED is currently advertising for a new volunteer position (see back page).

A new and exciting development this year has been Jonathan joining with Mark Brett of Whitley Theological College to co-teach a subject in ‘Economics, Justice and Theology’. This has been a wonderfully stimulating opportunity and fantastic grist to the Manna Gum mill.

A brief note on finances: while the contributions of regular supporters has remained strong, this year we have experienced a significant drop in once-off donations. If you see some value in Manna Gum’s ministry, please consider making a financial contribuiton.