Themes / News from Long Gully

News from Manna Gum

Why 'Manna Gum'?

Manna Matters August 2017



Manna Gum (Eucalyptus viminalis)


The Manna Gum (Eucalyptus viminalis) is one of the iconic eucalypts that thrives throughout much of southeastern Australia. It is perfectly adapted to live within this land – something which we still need to learn (both physically and spiritually). The Wurundjeri people, the main clan group from the Melbourne region, take their name from the word wurun, their name for Eucalyptus viminalis, which is common along the Yarra River (Birrarung), and djeri, a grub found in the tree. Manna Gum leaves play a central part in the 'Welcome to Country' ceremony of the Wurundjeri people. They are also a favourite food of koalas.

The Manna Gum was so named by Europeans after the manna the ancient Hebrews collected in the wilderness (Exodus 16), because it produces a sweet, white edible gum. The Biblical story of manna provides one of the foundational lessons in God’s economics: collect what you need; none shall have too little; none shall have too much; don’t store it up; there is enough for all! The Manna Gum seed pod also provides Australian Christians a native symbol of the cross and the Trinity.