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News from Long Gully

April 2021

Manna Matters April 2021

The La Niña system has brought us an uncommonly mild summer with good rains and the vegie garden has gone gang-busters. The tomato crop has been harvested and bottled and should supply us for a year – about 70kg worth! But this year we have begun a worrying battle with fruit fly, so we will need to prepare for next season like a military campaign. The garlic is now in the ground, so all the essentials are taken care of.


Jacob atop Mount Buffalo last year.

I am very happy to announce that we have someone to fill the Manna Matters Editor role vacated by Matt Anslow. Readers might remember Jacob Garrett's contribution to Manna Matters from two editions ago (Oct 2020) where he told the story of his walk from Melbourne to Sydney. Jacob is a graduate in philosophy and ancient history and currently undertaking a Masters in Theology, so he is obviously a thinker; but the main reason I asked him to take on the job is that he is passionate about the practical and material outworkings of his faith. He is a serious practitioner of 'voluntary simplicity', keeping alive the arcane arts of blacksmithing and the use of Windows 7. Indeed, craft skill runs in the family, as demonstrated by the article from his sister, Phoebe, in this edition. Jacob attends St Jude's Anglican Church in Carlton, Melbourne, where he helps lead the youth group and community homework club. It is a great pleasure to have Jacob on board the Manna Gum team.

By the time this goes to press, there will be some more episodes of MannaCast available. Matt Anslow has kindly stayed on to help with these while Jacob finds his feet. You can find the MannaCast at, or on your preferred podcast platform.

This year we are once again running our A Different Way Week. This is our one-week live-in intensive, hosted by the Seeds Community here in Long Gully, Bendigo, where we plumb the biblical, theoretical and practical depths of Christ's call to a new way of living. It will run from 14-19 November, God (and State Premiers) willing. Please pass this on to anyone you think might be interested, or contact us for more information.

Jonathan Cornford

You can find the MannaCast at,
or on your preferred podcast platform.