Themes / News from Long Gully

News from Long Gully

August 2022

Manna Matters November 2021

Less than a decade ago, the World Bank and United Nations were trumpeting the previous decade as 'the most successful anti-poverty movement in history'. I have written previously that you shouldn't believe the hype – the numbers lie (MM Nov 2009, Nov 2011, Dec 2017). Now we are seeing the chickens come home to roost in a global food system that has systematically been structured with multiple vulnerabilities, especially for those who don't have much purchasing power. In Australia, we are all talking about the rising cost of living, but that is nothing compared to what many are facing. I urge you to give generously to Tearfund's Hunger Crisis Appeal (or something like it). The act of consciousness and solidarity is as important as the money.

In Long Gully, we are acutely aware of the complete failure of housing system taking place around us. Many of our Long Gully neighbours have no hope in the rental market if they have to leave their current accommodation. Kim is currently working on a project for local 'social housing' that might relieve the need of some.

Winter has been a season of intense writing, with the fruit yet to be evident. Jacob and I recorded another episode of MannaCast on faith and local politics. Check it out:

Jonathan Cornford

Sunday, by Rosie Stanton (see Manna Gum Gallery in this edition).